Thursday, December 21, 2006

Writing Tips

TOEFL iBT Writing tips

Here are a few suggestions for ways to build your writing skills:

Read an article (300–400 words), and make an outline that only includes the major points of the article. Use the outline to create a written summary of the information.

Practice paraphrasing sentences and entire paragraphs frequently. On the TOEFL iBT test, you will receive a score of zero if all you do is copy words from the reading passage.

Find reading and listening material on the same topic. The material can provide similar or different views. The Internet and the library are good places to find such information. Take notes on the reading and listening material and do the following:

Summarize the information and ideas in both.
Then synthesize by combining the information from the reading and listening materials and explain how they relate. Explain how both ideas are alike, how one idea expands upon another or how the ideas are different or contradict each other.
Practice writing about familiar topics within a 30-minute time-limit, stating an opinion or preference and then coherently supporting it with evidence and detail.
As you practice, ask yourself questions such as:

Did I complete the task?
Did I write clearly?
Did I make grammatical errors?
Did I use words correctly?
Did I organize my ideas clearly and coherently?
Did I use the time effectively?

Monitor your own progress of your writing practice. You can also ask for feedback from friends, tutors or teachers. Teachers can use the TOEFL iBT Writing Scoring Guide to evaluate your practice.

Practice your writing skills on TOEFL Practice Online at and receive instant scores to help prepare you for test day.

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